Worx Mulcher Paper Bag Adapter
I use a leaf mulcher to help me compress an entire yards worth of leaves into as few bags as possible because I need to drive my yard waste to the county dropoff point myself. Unfortunately, the county only accepts...
I use a leaf mulcher to help me compress an entire yards worth of leaves into as few bags as possible because I need to drive my yard waste to the county dropoff point myself. Unfortunately, the county only accepts...
I spend a lot of time in the summer swimming and floating with friends and family in the lake down the hill from my house. It is easy to lose track of time while relaxing, and I don’t bring a...
The general architecture of a robot guitar will obviously share similarities with the way humans interact with the guitar: a set of actuators for plucking and a set of actuators for fretting. However, the complexity of some of those actuators...
Electrical System Detailed Design Continued As laid out in a previous electrical post, the electrical design was broken down into five sections. 1-3 were discussed in detail in that post, while 4-5 will be covered here.
Electrical System Detailed Design High Level Design Philosophy and Codes The electrical system is intended to follow the design and safety requirements for industrial machines (UL508A/NFPA70) while keeping cost from getting too high. The system outlined may not meet all...
I’ve gotten some great feedback and interest from online communities about this router build, but I’ve been surprised that most of the people who have reached out about potentially using or modifying this design have been more interested in the...
After completing the design and posting a summary on the blog I decided to solicit feedback from the folks at the r/hobbycnc subreddit. I created a post and asked for feedback, banking on the sweet renders to draw people in....
The final check before diving into fabrication is to verify that all of the assumptions I made earlier in the design process are still accurate, or at least conservative. If not, I may need to iterate something again (hopefully not...
So far most of the engineering and analysis has been done on the moving subassemblies within the router (gantry beam, gantry carriage, spindle carriage). However, the structure that supports all of the moving subassemblies is just as important to the...
The range of motion of a CNC axis is limited by three progressively more restrictive methods: mechanical hard stops, electrical limit switches, and software limit positions. Each method eats away at the usable range of motion for an axis but...